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"In over 10 years of teaching this was the best I've ever seen, especially for such a reasonable price. All staff and children had fun and learnt loads."

M Comell & T Daly, Northborough Junior School

"Brilliant organisation!

Wonderful that children have some memorabillia to take home."

C Burridge, Great Doddington Primary School 

"Thank you for a fantastic workshop! The children were engaged, focused and engrossed in all the learning and enriching activities that you arranged."

E Wright, Horizon Primary Academy, Kent

About the Workshops & Us

Tim Shephard

Wlorkshop Leader
MA Classical Studies
Qualified Teacher
Workshop Development

Corrine Crawford

Workshop Leader
BA Hons English Literature & Classics

Many years experience in workshop development, including numerous charities, festivals and community groups.

Indi Howes

Workshop Leader
Singer & Drama background

We believe passionately that learning should be FUN!


In the last 16 years Living History Workshops has worked with over 160,000 children, providing workshops across the South East of England.


We have had over 20 years of experience in workshop development for various festivals, charities and community groups, including:  Glastonbury Festival, The Fairyland Trust, Kent Wildlife Trust, 

Dymchuurch Parish Council, Pevensey Council, Tribal Earth Festival, Cock & Bull Festival


All of our workshops are hands-on, interactive, creative and fast-paced, allowing

 all learners a chance to have a go and have a great experience.


We consistently receive excellent feedback - especially with regard to 

those students who sometimes struggle to engage with regular lessons.


We continue to update our workshops regularly and 

evolve with the requirements of our schools and festival groups.

Please click HERE if you'd like to make an enquiry or find out more.



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