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history and craft workshops for schools and festivals

"Thank you for a fantastic workshop! The children were engaged, focused and engrossed in all the learning and enriching activities that you arranged."

E Wright, Horizon Primary Academy, Kent

"Brilliant organisation!

Wonderful that children have some memorabillia to take home."

C Burridge, Great Doddington Primary School 

"In over 10 years of teaching this was the best I've ever seen, especially for such a reasonable price. All staff and children had fun and learnt loads."

M Comell & T Daly, Northborough Junior School

"We all thought it was fantastic! Children were engaged the whole day. Children who wouldn't normally participate participated and enjoyed it thorougly!'

K Willett, St Andrew's 

CE Primary School

Excellent activities - children all on task all day - a good all round experience.

Thank you so much!'

A Webzell, Horton Kirby PS

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The History and Heritage Accommodation Guide

For Victorian and World War II

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